Documenting | January 2016


These are the January pages in my project life album. As I originally started my album in 6x8, I cut up the 6x8 title page to fit into the larger page protectors. I really like how it turned out - Hamburg in January is usually pretty cold and gray so this layout fits the mood...

In addition to the 9x12 page protectors, I use these 6x12 ones to include some horizontal images and cards as well. Plus, I really like how it breaks up the album.
I tried to keep it simple and to only use my  favourite images of the month so I might end up using only one album for 2016 (and not 3 as for 2015)... We'll see how that goes!

You can see my 2016 title page here.


Supplies I used:

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  1. aw i love it.
    Schön, deine Seiten mal in groß zu lesen. BEsonders mag ich ja diese mini Journaling-Kreise. Endsüß!! <3

    1. Danke Dir! Ich versuche ja, immer mal wieder ein bisschen Journaling einzubauen, weil ich eigentlich nicht so viel schreibe in meinem Project Life. Aber so geht es ganz gut, finde ich.
