Week in the Life 2016 - Monday


Welcome to day 2 of my week in the life! Today, I'll show you how I put Monday in my album. For me, that was the second day I documented. I didn't do a Monday through Sunday week as many others, but started on Sunday because I went on holiday the following Sunday and I wanted to capture a full week at home. So here it is!

Breakfast is my favourite meal, so I wanted to include a couple of pictures each day. I love the morning light in our apartment.

Like on Sunday, I followed a similar order and started with a full page 6x8 photo, then the chipboard daily divider, a 3x4 page protector, a 4x6 page protector, the gold foil day of the week card outside of the page protectors, a 3x8 page protector and another full page 6x8 photo to close the day. Like Ali says, it makes it so much easier to complete the album when I don't have to over think the structure for each day. Simplicity for the win I'd say!

Monday was work wise very exhausting, and that's exactly what the photo of me on the left shows. I thought about not including it because I look so unhappy, but in the end I went with it. It's all part of the story which turned out for the best later that week (more on that in the post about Thursday coming soon!).

I'm so grateful for a boyfriend who doesn't complain about a tripod being around all week...

I did it once and I won't do it again: using a tape runner to adhere the plastic letters to a photo.

And that's it for day 2. Thanks for reading and I hope you'll stop by for the following days. If you don't want to miss it, you could consider following me on Bloglovin or on Instagram.


Supplies I used:

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  1. Anonymous13.6.16

    Love the photos you captured throughout your day! Definitely makes it a lot easier to have a repeating format each day and I can't wait to see more! :)

    1. Yes absoulutely. However, the remaining days are taking a little longer to finish. How did you manage to finish yours so quickly?
